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Fund a Need

Fund a Need


Fund a Need Frequently Asked Questions
Foundation Fund a Need Contact:
Katie Romey, Development Manager

  • What is Fund a Need?
    Fund a Need is a unique crowdfunding platform that LPS teachers and staff can use to raise money for classroom needs. 
  • What is FoundationGIVE?
    FoundationGIVE is the parent website that manages the Fund a Need program.
  • How does it work?
    Once users are approved, you can log in into the easy-to-use Fund a Need site and create a unique campaign (proposal) outlining the need(s). After the campaign has been approved, it can be shared easily through email and across social media platforms where donors are able to give directly to a campaign.   
  • Who can create a Fund a Need campaign?
    Any Lincoln Public Schools employee can create a Fund a Need campaign. Additionally, any LPS PTO or Booster organization can create a Fund a Need campaign. 
  • What can I request from a Fund a Need campaign?
    Requests vary greatly depending on school and classroom needs. Some examples of previous campaign requests include: musical instruments, books, yearbook support, transportation and entrance fees for field trips, staff appreciation, theater and vocal music needs, art supplies, classroom technology, playground renovations, classroom supplies, grounds keeping/garden upkeep, and t-shirts. 
  • Is there anything I can't request from a Fund a Need campaign?
    Per LPS guidelines, Fund a Need campaigns cannot request funds for wages, salaries, stipends, or honorariums. 
  • What information do I need to know before I create a Fund a Need campaign?
    You will need to provide a:
    • Campaign Title - make sure this is easily understandable
    • Goal / Need Amount
    • Start Date & Time
    • End Date & Time
    • Summary / Description of Need
    • Campaign image(s) (stock images available)
  • Is there a minimum or maximum amount needed to create a Fund a Need campaign?
    No, there is no minimum or maximum amount for a campaign. Most campaigns are in the $150 - $5,000 range. 
  • What is the suggested length of time for my Fund a Need campaign?
    The end date and time is completely up to you. The Foundation suggests giving yourself enough time to promote and share the campaign. Do not create a campaign where the funds are needed immediately. 
  • Do Fund a Need campaigns need approval?
    Yes. All Fund a Need campaigns go through two rounds of approval - first by the school's principal and second by the Foundation. 
  • Do Fund a Need campaigns ever get rejected?
    Yes. Sometimes Fund a Need campaigns get rejected. This could be for a few reasons:
    • Your campaign includes a request for wages, salaries, stipends, or honorariums.
    • Your campaign was not approved by your principal. Sometimes this is due to other funds being used for the same purpose or limiting the number of field trips.
    • Your campaign was not reviewed by your principal in the specified amount of time. 
  • Can I re-submit a rejected Fund a Need campaign?
    Depending on the reason for rejection, a Fund a Need campaign may be eligible for resubmission.
  • Does the Foundation take fees on Fund a Need campaigns?
    Yes. The Foundation assesses a cost reimbursement fee on all Fund a Need campaign goals or funded amounts. This directly supports the maintenance of the Fund a Need website and staff time to manage the program. All fees are automatically built into the "Goal / Needed Amount" when the campaign is created. 
  • How do I get the money that was raised from my campaign?
    Requests for funds from a Fund a Need campaign must be made through the Foundation using this LINK.
  • Can I request funds from the campaign before the campaign has ended?
    No. Requests for funds from a Fund a Need campaign cannot be processed until the campaign has ended. 
  • Do I have to use the funds by a certain time?
    No, but we encourage funds to be used in a timely manner. 
  • What if my Fund a Need campaign doesn't reach it's goal?
    Depending on the amount raised, the campaign owner will still be able to request the spendable balance.
    As policy, if the campaign raises $100 or less (and the original goal was more than $100) the raised funds will automatically be put into your school's Fund for Excellence fund. 

  • My campaign raised $100 or less and was put into my school's Fund for Excellence - can I still request these funds for the original campaign purpose?
    Yes. Talk to your school's principal or executive secretary about requesting funds from your school's Fund for Excellence. 
  • Can I view my Fund a Need campaign balance on FoundationGIVE?
    No. Fund balances are not viewable in FoundationGIVE. All fund balance questions must be made through the Foundation at
  • How do I thank donors to my Fund a Need campaign?
    We strongly encourage campaign owners to thank donors in a prompt manner. This can be done in two ways:
    • Create an electronic "Campaign Update" through your Fund a Need campaign page on FoundationGIVE. 
    • Send handwritten thank you notes, pictures, or cards via interoffice mail to Katie Romey, Foundation Box 4, at the Steve Joel District Leadership Center.
  • Can I mail donors thank you notes directly?
    No. Per Foundation policy, we do not disclose donor contact information.
  • How do I thank an anonymous donor?
    Many donors choose to remain anonymous, however, they are visible to Foundation staff. The only way to thank anonymous donors is to utilize the "Campaign Update" feature on FoundationGIVE or send non-addressed handwritten notes to Katie Romey, Foundation Box 4, at the LPS District Office. 
  • How can I be sure my campaign gets fully funded?
    The Foundation cannot guarantee that every Fund a Need campaign will be fully funded. The best way to solicit donations to your campaign is by SHARING!
    • Sharing on social media
    • Sharing via email
    • Sharing at school events (dependent on school policy)
    • Sharing via school communications (dependent on school policy)
  • Will the Foundation promote my Fund a Need campaign?
    The Foundation posts all Fund a Need campaigns on our Fund a Need Facebook page. You will receive an email once it has been posted. All Facebook posts are tagged with your school's Facebook account and from there, your school can share on their Facebook page. Campaign owners are responsible for sharing the campaign.
  • Will the Foundation fundraise for my Fund a Need campaign?
    No. Because of the large number of Fund a Need campaigns created annually, Foundation staff cannot fundraise for specific campaigns. 
  • Can someone write a check for a donation to a Fund a Need campaign?
    We highly encourage all donors to give through the Fund a Need campaign webpage. However, the Foundation will accept checks for Fund a Need campaigns and process them as an offline gift and post them to your Fund a Need campaign page. 
  • Can I use funds for a different purpose than what my Fund a Need campaign outlined?
    No. Funds may only be used for the original purpose of your Fund a Need campaign. The Foundation follows a strict donor intent policy on all donations. 
  • What if I can't use my funds for the original purpose outlined in the Fund a Need campaign?
    The Foundation will review differing fund requests on a rare case-by-case basis.
  • I set up a Fund a Need campaign, but am no longer at my school - can I change the campaign owner?
    Yes. Please contact Katie Romey at the Foundation to update a Fund a Need campaign owner. 
  • My campaign ended, but I want to keep fundraising for the same purpose - can I re-open the campaign?
    You are welcome to continue fundraising for the same purpose as a previously ended campaign, however, you will need to create a new campaign. The Foundation cannot re-open a campaign after it has ended.

The Numbers

  • Schools Served


  • Focus & Specialty Programs Served


  • Students Empowered


  • Teachers & Staff Supported


  • Funds Received This Year


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