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2024 Recipients

Roark Pyle

Goodrich Middle School 
Custodial Manager
Nominated By: Principal Kelly Apel

Roark has had quite the year and yet he remains steadfast with his commitment, positivity and support for others. Early this year, one of our custodians had a death in the family and Roark covered the person's shift, donated leave, attended the funeral and continuously checked in on him. When the assistant custodial manager had to leave his position, Roark covered until the position was filled. Two weeks after filling the assistant custodial manager position, the new hire fell and broke his ankle while scooping snow. Roark has been working double shifts since the start of December along with covering YMCA events on the weekends and clearing snow on every school closure day. Roark supports his staff and helps them learn and grow. At the same time, he regularly communicates with all building staff so that everyone is in the know regarding building cleaning schedules. Roark is a true servant leader. His positive mindset and hard work ethic are greatly valued.

The Numbers

  • Schools Served


  • Focus & Specialty Programs Served


  • Students Empowered


  • Teachers & Staff Supported


  • Funds Received This Year


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